Saturday, September 27, 2008

Marketing Your Art Website

I’m an artist wanting to sell more art, most artists do. So, what does an artist do? Build a web site, of course. Now, that’s easier said than done when one has no web building experience. I have an artist friend who is going to build a site for me, though things are on hold because she is having some personal issues. So what does an artist do? Build one myself.

I decided to go to One reason is because I am not html savvy, and is pretty idiot… I mean user friendly! Another reason… it was free! I won’t go into a lot of detail about how I created the site, though I will tell you a little about it.

While I was setting the site up, I also opened an account with It was free to open, and there is no monthly fee until a transaction takes place (hopefully I will be paying them for several transactions). works with PayPal, so setting up purchase points for my art was fairly easy. So now, when that was finished, I kept working on my site.

I added a free statistics site, as well. When building the site, each page offers a button that will allow you to insert html code. Once I signed up at Statcounter and created a profile and project (my project is my website). I linked to Statcounter, inserted the code that keeps track of everything, and now begin tracking potential customers to my site.

Hopefully, by blogging, I will be able to increase online sales. A great source for marketing yourself as an artist is a site called
Empty Easel . It was from this site that I have learned a tremendous amount on marketing my art, blogging included. If you are an artist, you really need to consider checking EE out!

Something else was to e-mail all my friends about the new website,
Fine Art of Scott Alcorn, and kindly ask them to pass the link on to their friends. In addition to emailing friends, I also asked some of my artist friends if I could put their link on my site. Most people will allow you to do this, especially if the two websites are common in nature, such as wildlife. Hey, it’s free advertising for them, and they will probably return the favor!

One of the last things I did to drive potential customers to the site was to put an ad on
craigslist. I was really skeptical about this… craigslist? I will say that I have not received any sales as of yet, but I’ve only been on for less than a week. However, I have gotten almost 300 hits! I have put a new ad on every three days so I will not get lost in the other entries that come after me and push my ad down to the next page.

So that is what I am doing on a limited budget… or should I say, no budget! Everything I have done so far has been free. Of course there is so much more I can do, and will do, to continue getting my name out there. I’ll keep you posted on any sales!!

Happy marketing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott! I wish you the very best with your blog and business. I didn't know you are an artist. By the way, be sure to click on Follow This Blog in my blog, that way your pic will show on the blog. Thanks! ROb
