Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why is it....?

Ok... So a few weeks ago I said I would try to do something new. Instead of a painting-a-day, I said I would try a painting-a-week... Well, I had good intentions, but it ain't gonna happen! I'm down to finals, moving into a new place (having to figure out how I'm going to arrange my studio), and about ten other things going on all at once!

Now, on the flip side, good or bad depending on how you look at it, I don't have cable or internet access (that will come later... say in about 4-5 months). This is a good thing... when I get my studio set up, I will have no excuse for not writing or painting... right? After work and finals (Graduating this month!!!), I'll be able to jump right in and do what I love to do best! Now the down side... No background noise, no college bowl games, no Judge Judy (just kidding), or History Channel, Discovery Channel... Hmmmm... How much was cable again?

Ok, Scott, focus... Paint son, Paint! I think I'll break out some of my art books and get reaquainted with Hopper, Waterhouse, Renoir, Modigliani...

Hey... It's eight o'clock! My favorite show 'Scrubs' is coming........ Crap!

Where's the number for the cable company.

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