Sunday, November 30, 2008

Poem Entitled 'Realization'...

Just rambling here... Been museless for a while, hopefully the muse has returned for a little more than just a visit...


Dandelion sphere
motionless starburst…
like a perfect dream.
The heart’s universe
dreams towards the setting sun.
Distance, miles, a curse.

Fragile breath, it waivers
whispers, holding at first -
then comes the realization.
erupting… un-coerced
un-biddened, a silent shiver
cacophonic burst
the dream dissipating…
And I’m still dreaming West.

© Scott Alcorn 11-16-08

1 comment:

  1. Maybe once that dandelion sphere lands out west your dream to get there may come true. Really nice poem.

    Thanks for stopping by Poefusion the other day. It's always nice to meet new people. I wanted to let you know that I FINALLY wrote a poem using your form and posted it today. It's nowhere near as good as your examples at Shadow Poetry but, I like it because its about when I spent some time at my mammaw's house as a little girl. Thanks for the new form and for being patient for my response.

    Other Poefusionists have written poems using your form as well if you would like to check them out. There under the Tuesday Title (Fleshplumes). It was Lancelot, Tiel and Lirone who used the nove otto.

    Have a nice night.
