Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Southern Wildlife Festival, Decatur, Alabama. Part. 2

When I walked in to the SWF held on the campus of Calhoun Community College in Decatur, Alabama, one of the first artists I noticed was wildlife carver Joey Horn. His work was some of the finest I have seen yet. Though I am an artist, the detail he achieves using predominantly Tupelo Wood is beyond me. I have always respected those that can take a chunk of wood, something most of us wouldn’t even glance at, and turn it into a masterpiece. Joey’s finely crafted art has won numerous awards and they are all well deserved. Not only is he a fine artist, he is very easy going, willing to answer any questions about art or carving.
Another artist acquaintance at the show was
Stephen Harmening. Stephen uses mostly acrylics and achieves wonderful results – I on the other hand will stick to oils. His paintings capture a moment, a snapshot. But look long enough and everything moves. you’ll find a songbird in the tall grass swaying with the wind, or see an elks breath as it labors up a snow covered mountain over looking a beautiful Colorado landscape.
I had a chance to meet
Frank Baggett from Tennessee. Actually Frank and I are on an art site together and have messaged each other before, but it was nice to finally put a name to a face. Frank was one of the finalists in this year’s Federal Duck Stamp Competition. He as well as a couple of other artists encouraged me to actually take the leap and enter a few of the State duck stamp competitions. I have been threatening to do this for a while…
If you are a wildlife artist, contact the
Southern Wildlife Festival and participate as an artist next year in 2009. You’ll make great friends and have a chance to do some networking. If you are a wildlife or art lover, come out to the show next year.

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