Monday, December 15, 2008

Print Updates...

Prints are available through my website: on the 'Order Prints' tab.
Originals are available in Galleries I, II, and III of the website as well. PayPal is set up for secure purchase of originals.

Latest print sales:

San Antonio Mission

Dust Off

Latest Original Sale:


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Postcards from Bagdad

My friends Karen Miner and Bob Moreland have a second book of Poetry now in print, Postcards from Bagdad. Though the styles of these poets are markedly different, both write from the heart. I have had the good fortune of being able to read the manuscript before it was published, and what I can tell you is that this is a wonderful tribute to those who serve our country. This book is more than just a collection of poetry, it is heartfelt, from the first line to the last. Whether you agree with the politics of the the war or not, these men and women have sacrificed to protect our freedom, the freedom we hold dear and sometimes take for granted.

If you would like to purchase this book follow this link:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why is it....?

Ok... So a few weeks ago I said I would try to do something new. Instead of a painting-a-day, I said I would try a painting-a-week... Well, I had good intentions, but it ain't gonna happen! I'm down to finals, moving into a new place (having to figure out how I'm going to arrange my studio), and about ten other things going on all at once!

Now, on the flip side, good or bad depending on how you look at it, I don't have cable or internet access (that will come later... say in about 4-5 months). This is a good thing... when I get my studio set up, I will have no excuse for not writing or painting... right? After work and finals (Graduating this month!!!), I'll be able to jump right in and do what I love to do best! Now the down side... No background noise, no college bowl games, no Judge Judy (just kidding), or History Channel, Discovery Channel... Hmmmm... How much was cable again?

Ok, Scott, focus... Paint son, Paint! I think I'll break out some of my art books and get reaquainted with Hopper, Waterhouse, Renoir, Modigliani...

Hey... It's eight o'clock! My favorite show 'Scrubs' is coming........ Crap!

Where's the number for the cable company.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One of two featured artists...

Amber Marie Stifflemire (painting under the name: Art Marie Soleil) and myself (Scott Alcorn) have been honored by the Huntsville Art Blog as Featured Artists for the month of December. Congratulations Amber. To view Huntsville Art Blog, go to:

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Poem Entitled 'Realization'...

Just rambling here... Been museless for a while, hopefully the muse has returned for a little more than just a visit...


Dandelion sphere
motionless starburst…
like a perfect dream.
The heart’s universe
dreams towards the setting sun.
Distance, miles, a curse.

Fragile breath, it waivers
whispers, holding at first -
then comes the realization.
erupting… un-coerced
un-biddened, a silent shiver
cacophonic burst
the dream dissipating…
And I’m still dreaming West.

© Scott Alcorn 11-16-08

Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm about to start something new...

Ok, I'm going to start something new. I would really like to attemp to begin A Painting A Day, however, with my work and class schedule, including homework, and most of all getting to play with my son on the weekends... time seems to be short! So, I am going to attempt A Painting A Week!

Here is the first in my Painting A Week. It's called 'After the Rain' , 11x14, Oil on Board, $350.00. To purchase this and any other of my pieces please go to:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Southern Wildlife Festival, Decatur, Alabama. Part. 2

When I walked in to the SWF held on the campus of Calhoun Community College in Decatur, Alabama, one of the first artists I noticed was wildlife carver Joey Horn. His work was some of the finest I have seen yet. Though I am an artist, the detail he achieves using predominantly Tupelo Wood is beyond me. I have always respected those that can take a chunk of wood, something most of us wouldn’t even glance at, and turn it into a masterpiece. Joey’s finely crafted art has won numerous awards and they are all well deserved. Not only is he a fine artist, he is very easy going, willing to answer any questions about art or carving.
Another artist acquaintance at the show was
Stephen Harmening. Stephen uses mostly acrylics and achieves wonderful results – I on the other hand will stick to oils. His paintings capture a moment, a snapshot. But look long enough and everything moves. you’ll find a songbird in the tall grass swaying with the wind, or see an elks breath as it labors up a snow covered mountain over looking a beautiful Colorado landscape.
I had a chance to meet
Frank Baggett from Tennessee. Actually Frank and I are on an art site together and have messaged each other before, but it was nice to finally put a name to a face. Frank was one of the finalists in this year’s Federal Duck Stamp Competition. He as well as a couple of other artists encouraged me to actually take the leap and enter a few of the State duck stamp competitions. I have been threatening to do this for a while…
If you are a wildlife artist, contact the
Southern Wildlife Festival and participate as an artist next year in 2009. You’ll make great friends and have a chance to do some networking. If you are a wildlife or art lover, come out to the show next year.

The Southern Wildlife Festival, Decatur, Alabama. Part 1

Mark you calendars for mid October 2009. The Southern Wildlife Festival in Decatur, Alabama draws a crowd from North and Mid-Alabama and Southern Tennessee. This past year however, was a little sparse crowd wise, to say the least. There were a few things that hindered turn-out. One, and probably the most prominent being the economy. Things are tight and one of the first things the average consumer forgoes are non-essentials, art being one of them. Something else I noticed was the lack of promotion. That is something I know little about and will leave that to the more qualified. However, radio, ads in free community papers, call a news channel, or local blogs will help in bringing a better turn out. The last thing was the absence of a few of the cornerstone artists. One of those missing was Larry Chandler.
I didn’t know Mr. Chandler very well, though he recognized me at shows and we would chit-chat. The first time we met, I was working in an art/custom frame store. He was having us cut matting for one of his prints of a bird dog paintings. After talking some, we found out one of the dogs he painted a few years earlier was the great, great, great, granddad (somewhere down the line) of one of the dogs I had just finished painting –small world! He passed away in March or April of 2007 if memory serves. His wife and friends had set up his booth, but it just wasn’t the same. He was a wonderful artist and truly personable. He will be missed.
There is a solid foundation in place to build the
SWF into a miniature version of the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition in Charleston, South Carolina held every February. I’m not sure how many people actually helped build the Southern Wildlife Festival, but I know one person, and that being Beverly, that did a lot and has done a lot in the past. Maybe some of us could pitch in next year and help her bring back the SWF’s former glory.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Frozen Burrito and Cheap Shiraz – a day in the life…

I came home the other night, to (once again) nothing, except my cat. I’ve had her for two months and she still has no name other than baby, honey, darlin’ and myriad of other sugary southern idioms that show affection. At least she still saunters over and rubs against me nonchalantly, as if to say ‘Did you go somewhere?’

Finally, Friday night, which means staying up late, standing at the easel, painting as much as I can before crashing onto the bed. I’d been home for about 2 hours and began to hear that familiar rumble in my stomach. So to the ‘cubbard’ (that’s Southern for ‘cupboard’) I went. Hmmm… Soup? Too hot outside. Mac-n-cheese? No milk. Cereal? Again, no milk? Ramen – if I see another bowl of… Well, nothing there. To the fridge… and not much there either. Let’s check the freezer. Hey, a frozen burrito! Now, I like shredded cheese, sour cream, and salsa on mine thank you very much! These three ingredients make the microwaved cardboard marginally more palatable. Unfortunately, the fridge holds none of these items. Off with the wrapper and into the microwave for two minutes, thirty seconds… and voila! cardboard wrapped goodness! Grab a fork and throw a slice of cheese on it – not as good as shredded, but it will have to do.

So the only thing left to do is grab a glass and some ice and… You have got to be kidding me..! Where did my Cokes go? Ok, here’s a sidebar. Coke in the South does not necessarily mean Coca Cola. Here’s the scenario: Two friends driving down the road in a truck (It’s the South, everyone drives a truck). Driver is thirsty and pulls over at the convenience store for a ‘Coke’. Driver asks his buddy ‘You wanna a Coke?’ Buddy says ‘Yeah, I’ll take one’. Driver says ‘Whatcha want?’ Buddy thinks for a moment and says ‘Get me a Mellow Yellow’. In the South there is always two parts to the question, ‘You wanna Coke’.

…And back to the dilemma at hand, no Coke. I could go to the store and get a drink, which means my burrito would get cold. Which means, I would have to nuke it again (I’d hate to ruin such a gourmet meal). What to do…? And then (this is where the angels sing ‘Hallelujah’), my eyes fall on the bottle of Shiraz! Great, now other than water, the only thing left in the apartment to drink is cheap shiraz. Well beggars can’t be choosers.

So, I carried my plate with the steaming burrito and my glass of cheap shiraz to my bedroom, grabbed the remote and turned on ‘Scrubs’. I guess all is well in the world tonight!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Marketing Your Art Website

I’m an artist wanting to sell more art, most artists do. So, what does an artist do? Build a web site, of course. Now, that’s easier said than done when one has no web building experience. I have an artist friend who is going to build a site for me, though things are on hold because she is having some personal issues. So what does an artist do? Build one myself.

I decided to go to One reason is because I am not html savvy, and is pretty idiot… I mean user friendly! Another reason… it was free! I won’t go into a lot of detail about how I created the site, though I will tell you a little about it.

While I was setting the site up, I also opened an account with It was free to open, and there is no monthly fee until a transaction takes place (hopefully I will be paying them for several transactions). works with PayPal, so setting up purchase points for my art was fairly easy. So now, when that was finished, I kept working on my site.

I added a free statistics site, as well. When building the site, each page offers a button that will allow you to insert html code. Once I signed up at Statcounter and created a profile and project (my project is my website). I linked to Statcounter, inserted the code that keeps track of everything, and now begin tracking potential customers to my site.

Hopefully, by blogging, I will be able to increase online sales. A great source for marketing yourself as an artist is a site called
Empty Easel . It was from this site that I have learned a tremendous amount on marketing my art, blogging included. If you are an artist, you really need to consider checking EE out!

Something else was to e-mail all my friends about the new website,
Fine Art of Scott Alcorn, and kindly ask them to pass the link on to their friends. In addition to emailing friends, I also asked some of my artist friends if I could put their link on my site. Most people will allow you to do this, especially if the two websites are common in nature, such as wildlife. Hey, it’s free advertising for them, and they will probably return the favor!

One of the last things I did to drive potential customers to the site was to put an ad on
craigslist. I was really skeptical about this… craigslist? I will say that I have not received any sales as of yet, but I’ve only been on for less than a week. However, I have gotten almost 300 hits! I have put a new ad on every three days so I will not get lost in the other entries that come after me and push my ad down to the next page.

So that is what I am doing on a limited budget… or should I say, no budget! Everything I have done so far has been free. Of course there is so much more I can do, and will do, to continue getting my name out there. I’ll keep you posted on any sales!!

Happy marketing!